SVDSG virtuella vårmötet 2021
You can register by following the links called ”länk”. You need to register for each lecture you wish to participate in.
Talare: Francesco Albanese, Italien
Ämne: Skin cytology
Dag: 19-20 Mars 2021
Tid och länk:
Fredag den 19/3 12.00 – 14.00 –
Cytology of Canine and Feline Non-neoplastic Skin Diseases del 1 Länk >>>
14.00 – 14.30 paus
14.30 – 16.30 –
Cytology of Canine and Feline Non-neoplastic Skin Diseases del 2 Länk >>>
16.30 – 17.30 Årsmöte Länk >>>
Lördag den 20/3
09.00 – 11.00
Cytology of Canine and Feline Neoplastic Skin Diseases del 3 Länk >>>
11.00 – 11.30 paus
11.30 – 13.30
Cytology of Canine and Feline Neoplastic Skin Diseases del 4 Länk >>>
SVDSG virtuella vårmötet 2021
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Dessutom kommer vi att lotta ut 10 av Francesco Albaneses senaste cytologibok till deltagande medlemmar vid årsmötet!
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University Federico II of Naples in 1993.
He is interested in dermatology by attending many meetings and courses in Veterinary Dermatology in Italy and abroad. In June 2000, has been awarded for the first part of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD).
He is full member of ESVD since 1997 and SIDEV (Italian Society of Veterinary Dermatology) since its foundation. He is the author of national and international publication and of some books or chapter of books regarding dermatology and skin cytology. In the period 2005-2009 he was professor for the course of ”Skin parasitic diseases of dogs and cats: diagnostic approach” at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Pisa. Since 2008 he teaches at the ”Master of Oncology of dog and cat” at the same University.
He currently works freelance in several Veterinary Clinic in Italy and at his Tuscany Veterinary Dermatological Center in Arezzo. Since 2013 he is the chief of dermatological service and consultant for the Mylav (private vet lab) which serves more than 800 italian Veterinary Clinic and for which he reads more than 3000 skin cytological and 1500 histopathological skin specimens for year.